Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(J.K.Rowling/Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)

He didn’t know what he wanted to do. All he knew was that the idea of doing nothing. while Black was at liberty, was almost more than he could stand.(p.159)
His Patronus was too feeble to drive the Dementor away. All it did was hover, like a semi-transparent cloud, draining Harry of energy as he fought to keep it there. Harry felt angry with himself, guilty about his secret desire to hear to his parents’ voices again.(p.182)
‘Don’t expect me to cover up for you again, Harry. I cannot make you take Sirius Black seriously. But I have thought that what you have heard when the Dementors draw near you would have had more of an effect on you. Your parents gave their lives to keep you alive, Harry. A poor way to repay them – gambling their sacrifice for a bag of magic tricks’.(p.213)
He had forgotten about magic – he had forgotten that he was short and skinny and thirteen, whereas Black was a tall, full-grown man. All Harry knew was that he wanted to hurt Black as badly as he could and that he didn’t care how much he got hurt in return…(p.249)
‘The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed… Professor Trelaway, bless her, is living proof of that. You did a very noble thing, in saving Pettigrew’s life.’
‘But if he helps Voldemort back to power-!’
‘Pettigrew owes his life to you. You have sent Voldemort a deputy who is in your debt. When one wizard saves another wizard’s life, it creates a certain bond between them… and I’m much mistaken if Voldemort wants his servant in the debt of Harry Potter.’
‘I don’t want a bond with Pettigrew!’ said Harry. ‘He betrayed my parents!’
‘This is magic at its deepest, its most impenetrable, Harry. But trust me… the time may come when you will be very glad you saved Pettigrew’s life.'(p.311)